
About Raj Bhavan
The Governor of Bihar is the Constitutional Head of the State of Bihar and exercises powers as defined in the Constitution of India. The Governor is also the ex-officio Chancellor of universities in the State. The Governor’s Secretariat provides secretarial assistance to the Governor in discharging his constitutional, ceremonial and other State responsibilities and his duties as the Chancellor of universities in the State.
The Governor’s Secretariat is headed by the Secretary to the Governor who is assisted by a team of officers and staff as per details available under the head organization. The Governor’s Secretariat includes the Secretariat and Household establishments.
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Press Release
- Honorable Governor released the book “Street Vendor to Bureaucrat”.
- Honorable Governor attended “At Home” program of NCC.
- Honorable Governor met the study group of National Defense College.
- Honorable Governor greeted the people of Bihar on the occasion of Basant Panchmi.
- Honorable Governor participated in the annual function of Patna Women’s College.