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    Ordinance for Admission to M.A.(Semester System) in the faculty of Social Science in the Universities of Bihar. 28/08/2015
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    Ordinance for Admission to M.A.(Semester System) in the faculty of Humanities in the Universities of Bihar. 28/08/2015
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    Regarding appointment of Advocate/Counsel in Supreme Court of India to defend the case/interest of Hon’ble Chancellor of the Universities of Bihar. 25/08/2015
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    Regarding obtaining prior approval for running or enrolment of students in Vocational courses in University and Colleges. 20/08/2015
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    Approval of the Admission Ordinance and Examination Regulations of B. Sc. Pathology three years Degree Course under Regular/Self Finance mode in Magadh University, Bodh Gaya from the session 2015-16. 15/08/2015
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    Approval of the Ordinance and Regulations of Master of Science Course in Fish & Fisheries of BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. 14/08/2015
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    Approval of the Admission Ordinance and Examination Regulations of BA (Hons.) Course in Tourism and Travel Management of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya from session 2015-16 onwards. 14/08/2015
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    Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of three years Degree Course in Biotechnology of VKS University, Ara. 06/08/2015
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    Approval of the ordinance and regulations of self financing course of PG Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication in Magadh University, bodh Gaya. 20/05/2015
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    Approval of the ordinance and regulations of BCA course in LNMU, Darbhanga from the session 2015-2016. 18/05/2015
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    Approval of the ordinance & regulations of Bachelor of Library & information Science (under Semester system) in Patna University. 24/03/2015
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    Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of three years Degree Honours Course in Biotechnology of VKS University, Ara. 22/01/2015
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    Approval of Admission Ordinance & Regulations of self financing course of M.A. in Women Studies(under semester mode) of BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. 18/10/2014
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    Approval of Admission Ordinance & Regulations(under semester system) of Master of Library & Information Science(MLIS)(self financing course) from session 2014-15 in Patna University.. 17/10/2014
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    Approval of Ordinance & Regulations of Bachelor of Business Administration”(BBA) under Semester System of BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. 23/09/2014
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    Approval of Ordinance & Regulations of self financing course of Under Graduate Course in Foreign Language(German,French,Spanish,Chinese,Korean, Japanese, Thai, Sinhalese,Russian and TIBETAN) in Magadh University, Bodh Gaya. 23/09/2014
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    Approval of Ordinance & Regulations of self financing course of Master of Applied Management(MAM) in Magadh University, Bodh Gaya. 23/09/2014
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    Approval of Ordinance & Regulations of self financing course of Master of Business Administration(International Business) i.e. (MBA-IB) in Magadh University, Bodh Gaya. 23/09/2014
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    Approval of Ordinance & Regulations of self financing course of Master of Business Administration(Executive) (MBA-Executive) in Magadh University, Bodh Gaya. 23/09/2014
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    Approval of Ordinance & Regulations of PG programme of Master of Computer Application(MCA) under self financing scheme of LN Mithila University for the session 2012-15 and 2013-16. 19/09/2014
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    Approval of Ordinance & Regulations of self financing course of Bachelor of Physiotherapy(Regular Mode) in Magadh University, Bodh Gaya. 19/09/2014
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    Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Three year B.Sc.(Hons) in Environmental & Water Management (WWM) in MU. 28/08/2014
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    Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of self financing course of MA in Women’s Studies in MU. 28/08/2014
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    Approval of Regulation for Conducting Special Examination of three years degree(Convetional&Vocational) Part-I and Part-II for examinee who has passed part-II during 2009-10 to 2013 for BRABU. 26/08/2014
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    Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Master of Libraray and Information Science(MLIS) in Magadh University. 18/07/2014
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