Regarding appointment of Registrar in Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur Letter No BSU (Registrar) – 27/2017-1272/GS(I) Dated 05-08-2022.
05/08/2022 |
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Regarding additional charge of Finance Officer, M M H Arabic & Persian University, Patna.
08/07/2022 |
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Regarding re-appointment of Shri Arvind Kumar Mishra, Finance Officer, Purnea University.
08/07/2022 |
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Regarding approval of Career Advancement Schemes Statutes in light of Gazette notification dated- 18.07.2018 for its promulgation in the Universities of Bihar.(Letter No- BSU (Statutes)-08/2005-951/GS(I))
05/07/2022 |
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Regarding appointment of Registrar in Munger University, Munger.( Letter No-BSU-27/2017-956/GS(I))
05/07/2022 |
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Corrigendum – Secretariat Notification no:-BSU-08/2011-838/GS(1) Dated 16.06.2022.
24/06/2022 |
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Regarding Proceedings of the meeting of the Committee to determine the quantum of remuneration in lieu of appearance,drafting,legal,advice and retention fee to be paid to the senior Honorary Legal Adviser to H.E and others concerned in the light of communication received from Shri Y.V. Giri, Honorary Leagal Adivser to H.E held on 19/04/2022 at 4.00 P.M. at Raj Bhavan, Patna.
16/06/2022 |
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Regarding transfer of Shri Ramashish Prasad ,Finance Officer ,Nalanda Open University, Patna to the post of Finance Officer ,M M H Arabic & Persian University ,Patna.
13/06/2022 |
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Regarding transfer of Shri Prem Shanker Singh Pankaj ,Finance Officer ,M M H Arabic & Persian University ,Patna to the post of Finance Officer ,Nalanda Open University, Patna.
13/06/2022 |
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Regarding appointment of Controller of Examination in Magadh University ,Bodh Gaya.
02/06/2022 |
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Regarding appointment of Finance Officer in Patliputra University.
01/06/2022 |
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Regarding appointment of Finance Officer , Magadh University ,BodhGaya.
01/06/2022 |
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Regarding appointment of Finance Officer in Patna University.
01/06/2022 |
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Regarding Additional Charge for Vice-Chancellor ,Magadh University ,BodhGaya.
31/05/2022 |
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Regarding acceptance of resignation of Prof. Rajendra Prasad from the post of Vice-Chancellor ,Magadh University ,BodhGaya.
28/05/2022 |
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Regarding Cancellation of Summer Vacation 2022 to conduct various examinations for streamlining the academic session.
20/05/2022 |
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Corrigendum- Secretariat Notification no:-BSU-46/2016-2149/GS(1) Dated 23.09.2020.
12/05/2022 |
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Regarding transfer of Shri Rabindra Nath Ojha, Registrar, Purnia University, Purnea to the post of Registrar, M M H Arabic & Persian University, Patna.
05/05/2022 |
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Regarding transfer of Dr. Ghanshyam Roy, Registrar, Nalanda Open University, Patna to the post of Registrar, Purnia University, Purnea.
05/05/2022 |
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Regarding transfer of Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Registrar, M M H Arabic & Persian University, Patna to the post of Registrar, Nalanda Open University, Patna.
05/05/2022 |
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Regarding additional charge of Finance Officer, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya.
02/05/2022 |
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Regarding cancellation of advertisement for the appointment of Vice Chancellor in Bihar Agricultural University , Sabour.
29/04/2022 |
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Corrigendum-Regarding additional charge of Pro Vice-Chancellor, Magadh University, BodhGaya.
25/04/2022 |
Accessible Version :
(211 KB) /
Regarding Acceptance of Resignation of Pro Vice-Chancellor, Magadh University, BodhGaya.
22/04/2022 |
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Regarding additional charge of Pro Vice-Chancellor, Magadh University, BodhGaya.
22/04/2022 |
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