Prakrit Jain Shashtra and Ahinsha Shodh Sansthan, Basokund, Muzaffarpur.

Prakrit Jain Sanshtan and Ahinsha Shodh Sansthan is located at Basokund, Vaishali. The constitution of this institute provides for three bodies. Firstly, the General Council, secondly the Executive Committee and thirdly the Publication Committee. The first two bodies are constituted by the State Government in the Education Department and Publication Committee is constituted by the General Council itself. The Governor of Bihar is the Ex-officio Adhishthata (Protector) and the Education Minister of Bihar is the Ex-officio “Adhyaksha” of the General Council. The Executive Committee and the Publication Committee are headed by the Commissioner, Tirhut Division, as Ex-officio Chairman. The General Council is the Supreme Body of the Institute. Proposals mooted by the committees are considered by the General Council before recommendations are sent to the Government. The institute has a well equipped library of more than 13,000 books and journals of Indological subjects in general and Prakrit and Jainology in particular. The General Council shall meet ordinarily once a year to transact all business like considering annual report, audit and accounts of the previous year, to examine scheme, plans and projects for betterment of the institute, to approve the next years’ programme of scholarship, research works and publications and to pass the budget etc.