Corrigendum of letter no- BSU (Statutes)-14/2023-647/GS (I) dated 03/05/2024 regarding statutes for appointment of Principals in Constituent Colleges.
29/05/2024 |
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Statutes for appointment of Principals in Constituent Colleges.
03/05/2024 |
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Regarding amendment in Bihar Animal Sciences University Statutes, 2020 by adding clause 5.2 (VI) in Chapter V of the said Statutes.
12/01/2023 |
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Regarding approval of Career Advancement Schemes Statutes in light of Gazette notification dated- 18.07.2018 for its promulgation in the Universities of Bihar.(Letter No- BSU (Statutes)-08/2005-951/GS(I))
05/07/2022 |
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Amendments in the Statute for the appointment as Assistant Professor in the Universities of Bihar, 2020.
10/09/2020 |
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Statute for the appointment as Assistant Professor in the Universities of Bihar,2020.
10/08/2020 |
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Statute for New Contributory Pension Scheme.
07/08/2020 |
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Regarding amendment made in the existing Statute for CET-B.Ed. for all B.Ed. Colleges affiliated to State Universities of Bihar.
31/01/2020 |
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Regarding Corrigendum of BSU(Statute)-05/2020-186/GS(I) dated-22.01.2020 for life member of Senate.
29/01/2020 |
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Regarding amendment in the existing Statute for the appointment of Assistant Professor/Part Time in the Faculty of Law.
28/01/2020 |
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Regarding conduct of Common Entrance Test (CET) for Shiksha-Shastri (B.Ed.) two year programme.
22/01/2020 |
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CWJC No. 3119/2019 relating to own land and leasehold land in respect of affiliated institutions of Bihar.
25/10/2019 |
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Regarding validity of Time Bond Promotion Scheme Statutes promulgated vide letter no. BSU-20/92-2280/GS(I), dated 14.09.1992 for Promotion of Teachers of Deficit Grants Minority Colleges of Bihar after promulgation of Merit Promotion/Career Advancement Scheme Statutes.
09/09/2019 |
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Regarding approval of the amendment in the Career Advancement Scheme Statute(CAS) notified vide Governor’s Secretariat letter no. BSU-08/2005-1715/GS(I) dated 29.06.2005 implemented w.e.f. 27.07.1998.
04/12/2018 |
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Regarding approval of the draft statute for convocation in the universities of Bihar and the substance of the Patna University letter no. 327/PUVC,dated 13.08.2018.
11/10/2018 |
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Regarding approval of the Statute & Costume Design for organizing and conducting convocation at the Universities of Bihar.
29/08/2018 |
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Regarding Bihar University Act 1976 – amendment 18(13).
04/06/2018 |
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Corrigendum : Regarding implementation of the statute for conducting Combined Entrance Test (CET-B.Ed.).
31/05/2018 |
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Regarding implementation of the statute for appointment of the teachers in the faculty of Law in the Universities of Bihar.
24/05/2018 |
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Regarding implementation of the Statute for conducting Combined Entrance Test(CET-B.Ed.) for all B.Ed. Colleges affiliated to the State Universities of Bihar.
03/05/2018 |
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Proposal of the State Govt. for making amendment in the statute approved vide letter no. BS-16/86-1098/GS-I dated 19.04.1986 regarding requirement of the land for govt. the affiliation of colleges of Bihar in view of Guidelines of UGC.
21/03/2018 |
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Proceeding of the meeting under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chancellor held on 25.11.2017 a1 11 AM.
14/12/2017 |
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Proposal of the State Govt. for making amendment in the Statute approved vide letter no-BSU-16/86-1098/GS(I) dated 19-04-1986 regarding requirement of land for governing the affiliation of colleges of Bihar in view of the guidelines of UGC.
14/12/2017 |
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Proposal of the State Govt. for making amendment in the Statute approved vide letter no. BSU-16/86-1098(GS(I) dated 19.04.1986 reg requirement of the land for governing the affiliation of colleges of Bihar.
23/01/2017 |
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Regarding permission to issue the Certificate/letter as per provision contained in clause 3.3.1 of the UGC Regulation 4th May, 2016 on minimum qualification required for appointment of teachers/other academic staffs.
16/01/2017 |
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