Approval of Draft Ordinance and Regulations for Degree Vocational Courses namely (i) Master of Physiotherapy (ii) Master in Occupational Therapy (iii) Bachelor in Opthalmology (iv) Bachelor in Prosthetic and Orthotic (v) Bachelor in Occupational Therapy (vi) Bachelor in Audiology and Speech Language under self financing scheme(Regular Mode) of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya.
27/07/2016 |
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A letter to Registrar, Universities of Bihar (except RAU, Pusa & BAU, Sabour ) regarding “Status of Colleges running B.Ed./M.Ed. courses even after issuance of show cause notice by NCTE on account of non following the norms of NCTE”.
26/07/2016 |
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A letter to Registrar, Universities of Bihar (except RAU, Pusa & BAU, Sabour ) regarding “Status of Colleges running B.Ed./M.Ed. courses even after issuance of show cause notice by NCTE on account of non following the norms of NCTE” .
26/07/2016 |
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Clarification regarding promotion granted under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS).
21/07/2016 |
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Clarification regarding promotion granted under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS), a letter to Secretary, UGC from Raj Bhavan, Patna .
21/07/2016 |
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Setting up of Cells in Universities/Colleges viz. Pension Cell, teaching and non-teaching employees grievances Cell and Student Welfare Cell.
20/07/2016 |
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Setting up of Pension Cell by University to expedite disbursement of retiral benefits to beneficiaries.
20/07/2016 |
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Setting up of Cells in Universities/Colleges viz. Pension Cell, teaching and non-teaching employees grievances Cell and Student Welfare Cell.
20/07/2016 |
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Setting up of Pension Cell by University to expedite disbursement of retiral benefits to beneficiaries.
20/07/2016 |
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Representatives nominated by Hon’ble Chancellor of Universities of Bihar for Syndicate and Senate.
19/07/2016 |
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Representatives nominated by Hon’ble Chancellor of Universities of Bihar for Syndicate and Senate .
19/07/2016 |
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Order dated 15.07.2016 passed by the Hon’ble Chancellor on “Appeal filed by Smt. Kumkum Kumari in pursuance of the order dated 11.08.2015 passed in Civil Appeal 6060-6063/2015(Arising out of SLP(c) 10919-10920/2012) and direction for her appointment as a Teacher in the Deptt. of Home Science, Patna University w.e.f. the date of Appointment of Smt. Punam Kumari”.
18/07/2016 |
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Order dated 15.07.2016 passed by the Hon’ble Chancellor on “Appeal filed by Smt. Kumkum Kumari in pursuance of the order dated 11.08.2015 passed in Civil Appeal 6060-6063/2015(Arising out of SLP(c) 10919-10920/2012) and direction for her appointment as a Teacher in the Deptt. of Home Science, Patna University w.e.f. the date of Appointment of Smt. Punam Kumari” .
18/07/2016 |
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Meeting of the Registrars’ of the Universities of Bihar scheduled on 25.07.2016 at 11AM in Raj Bhavan, Patna .
14/07/2016 |
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A enquiry committee constituted for irregularities in Maulana Mazhrul Haque Arabic Persian University, Patna.
05/07/2016 |
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A enquiry committee constituted for irregularities in Maulana Mazharul Haque Arabic Persian University, Patna .
05/07/2016 |
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Attendance of Faculty members in the Universities/Colleges.
01/07/2016 |
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Attendance of Faculty members in the Universities/Colleges .
01/07/2016 |
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Constitution of the enquiry Committee by Hon’ble Chancellor for the appointment of Asst. Professor-cum-Junior Scientist, Building Construction & Other issues in Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour.
21/06/2016 |
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Constitution of the enquiry Committee by Hon’ble Chancellor of the Universities of Bihar to examine the major decisions taken by Vice Chancellors.
16/06/2016 |
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Constitution of the enquiry Committee by Hon’ble Chancellor of the Universities of Bihar to examine the major decisions taken by Vice Chancellors .
16/06/2016 |
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Regarding rectification in Clause 7(a) of the Regulation of Master of Library and Information Science(MLIS) course of Patna University approved vide letter no. PU(Regulation)-32/2004-1482/GS(I) dated 17.10.2014.
15/06/2016 |
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Regarding approval of the draft Ordinance and Regulations of M Phil Programme in the light of UGC Notifications 2009 under self financing Scheme of BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur.
15/06/2016 |
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Regarding rectification in Clause 7(a) of the Regulation of Master of Library and Information Science(MLIS) course of Patna University approved vide letter no.PU(Regulation)-32/2004-1482/GS(I) dated 17.10.2014
15/06/2016 |
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Regarding approval of the draft Ordinance and Regulations of M Phil Programme in the light of UGC Notifications 2009 under self financing Scheme of BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur .
15/06/2016 |
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Regarding approval of the draft Ordinance and Regulations of 2 years Regular MBA course and 3 years Part Time MBA course of BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur .
15/06/2016 |
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Regarding approval of Ordinance and Regulations of MCA & BCA course under self financing scheme(Regular Mode) of BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur .
15/06/2016 |
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Regarding approval of Ordinance and Regulations of MCA & BCA course under self financing scheme(Regular Mode) of BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur.
15/06/2016 |
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Regarding approval of the draft Ordinance and Regulations of 2 years Regular MBA course and 3 years Part Time MBA course of BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur.
15/06/2016 |
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Regarding approval of second amendment of Regulations for Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Course of Nalanda Open University.
09/06/2016 |
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Regarding approval of second amendment of Regulations for Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Course of Nalanda Open University .
09/06/2016 |
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Regarding constitution of Selection Committee in the affiliated colleges of the Universities of Bihar to ensure the security of the cases of the teachers appointed prior to 19.04.2007 in pursunace of the Bihar State Universities (amendment bill 2015).
08/06/2016 |
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Regarding constitution of Selection Committee in the affiliated colleges of the Universities of Bihar to ensure the security of the cases of the teachers appointed prior to 19.04.2007 in pursunace of the Bihar State Universities (amendment bill 2015) .
08/06/2016 |
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Submission of Grievances of Teaching & Non-teaching staffs of Colleges & Universities of Bihar to Chancellor Office.
31/05/2016 |
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Submission of Grievances of Teaching & Non-teaching staffs of Colleges & Universities of Bihar to Chancellor Office .
31/05/2016 |
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Implementation of judgement of Hon’ble Patna High Court delivered in CWJC no. 18733 of 2013(Dr. Samir Kumar Sharma Vs The State of Bihar & Others) dated 30.11.2015 .
30/05/2016 |
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Implementation of judgement of Hon’ble Patna High Court delivered in CWJC no. 18733 of 2013(Dr. Samir Kumar Sharma Vs The State of Bihar & Others) dated 30.11.2015 .
30/05/2016 |
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Constitution of Committee by Office of the Chancellor, Univ. of Bihar regarding the order passed by Hon’ble High Court Patna of CWJC No. 18733 of 2013.
24/05/2016 |
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Constitution of Committee by Office of the Chancellor, Univ. of Bihar regarding the order passed by Hon’ble High Court Patna of CWJC No. 18733 of 2013 .
24/05/2016 |
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List of VC, Pro-VC and Registrar .
23/05/2016 |
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Regarding appointment of Registrar, T M Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur.
20/05/2016 |
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Regarding appointment of Registrar, T M Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur .
20/05/2016 |
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Proceeding of Meeting of VCs & Pro-VCs under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chancellor held on 14.05.2016 at Raj Bhavan, Patna .
19/05/2016 |
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Regarding change in venue of the proposed meeting of Vice Chancellors’ & Pro-Vice Chancellors scheduled on 14.05.2016 from Convention Centre, Rajgir to Raj Bhavan, Patna at 10:30 AM-(REVISED) .
11/05/2016 |
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Submission of compliance of meeting of 18.01.2016 .
11/05/2016 |
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Proceedings of the Meeting under the Chairmanship of the Prinicipal Secretary to Governor-cum-Chancellor held on 28.04.2016 at 11.00AM at Raj Bhavan, Patna .
09/05/2016 |
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Appointment of Dr. Vibhash Kumar Yadav as a Registrar, JP University Chapra
28/04/2016 |
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Appointment of Dr. Vibhash Kumar Yadav as a Registrar, JP University Chapra .
28/04/2016 |
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Regarding approval of amendment in Admission Ordinance for Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Course of Nalanda Open University, Patna.
22/04/2016 |
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Regarding approval of amendment in Admission Ordinance for Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Course of Nalanda Open University, Patna .
22/04/2016 |
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Regarding obtaining prior approval for running or enrolling of students in Vocational Courses in University and Colleges.
18/04/2016 |
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Regarding obtaining prior approval for running or enrolling of students in Vocational Courses in University and Colleges .
18/04/2016 |
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Regarding prior approval for running Vocational Courses in University and Colleges or enrolling students in courses.
12/04/2016 |
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Regarding prior approval for running Vocational Courses in University and Colleges or enrolling students in courses.
12/04/2016 |
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Regarding approval of Ordinance and Regulations of LLB three years degree course and LLB five years degree course under Semester System in TM Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur.
08/04/2016 |
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Regarding approval of Ordinance and Regulations of LLB three years degree course and LLB five years degree course under Semester System in TM Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur.
08/04/2016 |
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Regarding approval of Ordinance and Regulations of LLB three years degree course and LLB five years degree course under Semester System in TM Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur .
08/04/2016 |
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Approval of revised Ordinance and Regulations of One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Science under self financing scheme (Regular Mode) of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya from session 2015-2016.
08/02/2016 |
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Approval of revised Ordinance and Regulations of One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Science under self financing scheme (Regular Mode) of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya from session 2015-2016 .
08/02/2016 |
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Approval of Draft Admission ordinance and Examination Regulations of Bachelor of Medical Radiology Imaging Technology under self Financing Scheme (Regular Mode) in Magadh University, Bodh Gaya.
27/01/2016 |
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Approval of Draft Admission ordinance and Examination Regulations of Bachelor of Medical Radiology Imaging Technology under self Financing Scheme (Regular Mode) in Magadh University, Bodh Gaya.
26/01/2016 |
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Approval of Ordinance and Regulations of One Year Post Graduate Diploma Course through distance mode in Information and Public Relations of Nalanda Open University (NOU).
04/01/2016 |
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Approval of Ordinance and Regulations of One Year Post Graduate Diploma Course through distance mode in Hindi-English Translation of Nalanda Open University (NOU).
04/01/2016 |
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Approval of Ordinance and Regulations of One Year Post Graduate Diploma Course through distance mode in Human Resource Management of Nalanda Open University (NOU).
04/01/2016 |
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Approval of Ordinance and Regulations of One Year Post Graduate Diploma Course through distance mode in Information and Public Relations of Nalanda Open University (NOU) .
04/01/2016 |
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Approval of Ordinance and Regulations of One Year Post Graduate Diploma Course through distance mode in Hindi-English Translation of Nalanda Open University (NOU) .
04/01/2016 |
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Approval of Ordinance and Regulations of One Year Post Graduate Diploma Course through distance mode in Human Resource Management of Nalanda Open University (NOU) .
04/01/2016 |
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Regarding approval of Ordinance and Regulations of PG Diploma(Vocational) Course in Bio-Informatics of T M Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur.
10/09/2015 |
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Regarding implementation of General Ordinance and Regulations of 2 years M.Ed. Course in pursuance of the guidelines of NCTE 2014 in the Universities of Bihar from the session 2015-17 onwards.
10/09/2015 |
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Regarding approval of Ordinance and Regulations of PG Diploma(Vocational) Course in Bio-Informatics of T M Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur .
10/09/2015 |
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(4 MB) /
Regarding implementation of General Ordinance and Regulations of 2 years M.Ed. Course in pursuance of the guidelines of NCTE 2014 in the Universities of Bihar from the session 2015-17 onwards.
10/09/2015 |
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(898 KB) /
Implementation of General Ordinance and Regulations of 2 years B.Ed. Course in pursuance of the guidelines of NCTE 2014 in the Universities of Bihar from the session 2015-17 onwards.
02/09/2015 |
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(7 MB) /
Implementation of General Ordinance and Regulations of 2 years B.Ed. Course in pursuance of the guidelines of NCTE 2014 in the Universities of Bihar from the session 2015-17 onwards .
02/09/2015 |
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Regarding implementation of uniform Ordinance & Regulations of MA/MSc/MCom(Semester System) in the faculties of Arts, Science and Commerce in pursuance of the guidelines of UGC, New Delhi.
28/08/2015 |
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Ordinance for Admission to M.Sc.(Semester System) in the faculty of Science including MA in Mathematics and Statistics in the Universities of Bihar.
28/08/2015 |
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