Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Master of Libraray and Information Science(MLIS) in Magadh University.
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Master of Journalism and Mass Communication(MJMC) of BRA Bihar University.
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication(PGDJMC) in BRA Bihar University.
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Three Year Degree Course in Human Rights Education in BRA Bihar University.
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Master of Library and Information Science in BRA Bihar university.
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Bachelor in Mass Communication (BMC) in BRA Bihar University.
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Master of Libraray and Information Science(MLIS) in Magadh University .
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Master of Journalism and Mass Communication(MJMC) of BRA Bihar University .
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication(PGDJMC) in BRA Bihar University.
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Three Year Degree Course in Human Rights Education in BRA Bihar University .
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Master of Library and Information Science in BRA Bihar university .
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Bachelor in Mass Communication (BMC) in BRA Bihar University .
18/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of PG Diploma Course in Women Studies in MU, Bodh Gaya
17/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance andRegulations of M.Sc. in Comuter Science in Magadh University
17/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Three year Degree Course in Bachelor in Yoga Vigyan in Magadh University.
17/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Three year Degree Course in Bachelor in Yoga Vigyan in Magadh University.
17/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Three Yeae Degree Course in B Sc(IT) in Magadh University.
17/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of PG Diploma Course in Women Studies in MU, Bodh Gaya .
17/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of M.Sc. in Comuter Science in Magadh University .
17/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Three year Degree Course in Bachelor in Yoga Vigyan in Magadh University .
17/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of Three Year Degree Course in B. Sc. (IT) in Magadh University .
17/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of PG Course in Defence Management and Strategic Studies at O.T.A. Gaya in Magadh University.
15/07/2014 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance and Regulations of PG Course in Defence Management and Strategic Studies at O.T.A. Gaya in Magadh University .
15/07/2014 |
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Admission Ordinance and Regulations of two years M.Sc. Course in Information Technology of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya Under Self Financing Course.
01/04/2014 |
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Admission Ordinance and Regulations of two yeara M.Sc. Course in Information Technology of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya Under Self Financing Course.
01/04/2014 |
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Admission Ordinance and Regulations of three years B.Sc. BioChemistry Hons. of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya under self financing Course.
27/03/2014 |
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Admission Ordinance and Regulations of three years B.Sc. BioChemistry Hons. of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya under self financing Course.
27/03/2014 |
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Search Committee constituted for the appointment of Vice Chancellor in Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna .
14/03/2014 |
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Search Committee constituted for the appointment of Vice Chancellor and Pro-Vice Chancellor in B N Mandal University, Madhepura and Pro-Vice Chancellor in J P University, Chapra .
14/03/2014 |
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Approval of the Admission Ordinance and Regulation of Banking and Insurance(BBI) course for the session 2009-2012 with retrospective effect in Veer Kunwar Singh University Ara.
05/03/2014 |
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Approval of the Admission Ordinance and Regulation of Banking and Insurance(BBI) course for the session 2009-2012 with retrospective effect in Veer Kunwar Singh University Ara.
05/03/2014 |
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Approval of the Admission Ordinance and Regulation of One year Bachelor of Library Information Science(BLIS) in Magadh University under self financing Course.
04/03/2014 |
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Approval of the Admission Ordinance and Regulation of One year Bachelor of Library Information Science(BLIS) in Magadh University under self financing Course.
04/03/2014 |
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Regarding Appointment/Promotions of Non-Teaching Officers and Staffs of Universities of Bihar
04/03/2014 |
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Approval of the Admission Ordinance and Regulation of self financing Course of M.Sc. Biotechnology in Magadh University.
03/03/2014 |
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Approval of the Admission Ordinance and Regulation of Bachelor of Business Management(BBM) in Magadh University under self financing Course.
03/03/2014 |
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Approval of the Admission Ordinance and Regulation of self financing Course of M.Sc. Biotechnology in Magadh University
03/03/2014 |
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Approval of the Admission Ordinance and Regulation of Bachelor of Business Management(BBM) in Magadh University under self financing Course
03/03/2014 |
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Compliance of Order of Hon’ble High Court, Patna dated 20-09-2013 passed in CWJC no. – 19754/2012 (Ramesh Kumar vrs KSDU, Darbjhanga –Restoration of autonomy of the affiliated colleges as laid down in Section 59 of the BSU Act, 1976.
28/02/2014 |
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Compliance of Order of Hon’ble High Court, Patna dated 20-09-2013 passed in CWJC no. – 19754/2012 (Ramesh Kumar vrs KSDU, Darbjhanga –Restoration of autonomy of the affiliated colleges as laid down in Section 59 of the BSU Act, 1976
28/02/2014 |
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Regarding amendment in the Statute of Triple benefit Scheme to allow benefit of Provident fund-cum-Pension-cum-Gratitude to the teaching and no-teaching employees of deficit grant Minority Colleges and othewr deficit grant affiliated College of the State.
15/01/2014 |
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Regarding amendment in the Statute of Triple benefit Scheme to allow benefit of Provident fund-cum-Pension-cum-Gratitude to the teaching and no-teaching employees of deficit grant Minority Colleges and othewr deficit grant affiliated College of the State.
15/01/2014 |
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Approval of the Admission Ordinance and the Examinaition regulation of MSc. in Environmental Science and management.
10/01/2014 |
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Approval of the Admission Ordinance and the Examinaition regulation of MSc. in Environmental Science and management
10/01/2014 |
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Regarding approval of the Admission Ordinance and Examination Regulation of MA in Rural Study of PATNA UNIVERSITY.
02/01/2014 |
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Regarding approval of the Admission Ordinance and Examination Regulation of MA in Rural Study of PATNHA UNIVERSITY
02/01/2014 |
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Regarding approval of Admission Ordinance & Examination Regulation of Self Financing PG Diploma in Industrial Safety management under PMRI dept. of Patna Univwrsity, Patna
25/11/2013 |
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Amendment pertaining to Fee Structure in the approved admission ordinance of MA, M.SC and M.Com. courses of Patna University, Patna.
25/11/2013 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance in MA in Social Work in Patna University.
25/11/2013 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance(Semester System) of MBA of Patna University, Patna.
25/11/2013 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance of MFC (Master of Finance & Control) of Patna University, Patna.
25/11/2013 |
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Regarding approval of Admission Ordinance & Examination Regulation of Self Financing PG Diploma in Industrial Safety management under PMRI dept. of Patna Univwrsity, Patna
25/11/2013 |
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Ammendment pertaining to Fee Structure in the approved admission ordinance of MA, M.SC and M.Com. courses of patna University, Patna
25/11/2013 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance(Semester System) of MBA of Patna University, patna
25/11/2013 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance in MA in Social Work in Patna University
25/11/2013 |
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Approval of Admission Ordinance of MFC (Master of Finance & Control) of Patna University, Patna.
25/11/2013 |
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Regarding approval of the ammendment in the existing examination Regulations of the Self-financing, namely, P.G. Diploma in Actuarial Science.
14/11/2013 |
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Regarding approval of the amendment in the existing examination Regulations of the Self-financing, namely, P.G. Diploma in Actuarial Science.
14/11/2013 |
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MJC No. 840 of 2011 of the Patna High Court (Dr. Nishi Kant Pathak vrs. The Chancellor and others) in the light of representation against termination of services of Dr. N K Pathak, Lecturer, Dept. of Commerce, Pandit Ugam Pandey College, Motihari by the Governing body.
05/06/2013 |
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Representation of Shri Bipin Kumar for cancellation of affiliation of KST Degree College, Salempur, Sohsarai, Nalanda.
05/06/2013 |
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Joint representation of Smt. Pushplata Kumari & Smt. Kiran Kumari, both Lecturer in Philosophy of Nalanda Mahila College, Biharsarif for absorption of service on regular basis.
05/06/2013 |
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(701 KB) /
MJC No. 840 of 2011 of the Patna High Court (Dr. Nishi Kant Pathak vrs. The Chancellor and others) in the light of representation against termination of services of Dr. N K Pathak, Lecturer, Dept. of Commerce, Pandit Ugam Pandey College, Motihari by the Governing body.
05/06/2013 |
Accessible Version :
(866 KB) /
Representation of Shri Bipin Kumar for cancellation of affiliation of KST Degree College, Salempur, Sohsarai, Nalanda
05/06/2013 |
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Joint representation of Smt. Pushplata Kumari & Smt. Kiran Kumari, both Lecturer in Philosophy of Nalanda Mahila College, Biharsarif for absorption of service on regular basis.
05/06/2013 |
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Approval of Deemed date of convocation for awarding degree of Ph.D./D.Lit. Post Graduate Degree
16/05/2013 |
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Repeal of the Statute framed vide letter no. 5250/GS(I) dated 18.11.1980 related to promotion of demonstration to the post of Lecturer etc.
10/02/2013 |
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Approval of the Amended Admission Ordinance and Amendment in the Examination Regulation of MSc in Biochemeistry under self financing scheme.
10/01/2013 |
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Approval of the amended Admission Ordinance and the Examination Regulation of MSc. in Biotechnology under self financing scheme.
10/01/2013 |
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Approval of the Amended Admission Ordinance and Amendment in the Examination Regulation of MSc in Biochemistry under self financing scheme.
10/01/2013 |
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Approval of the amended Admission Ordinance and the Examination Regulation of MSc. in Biotechnology under self financing scheme.
10/01/2013 |
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Towards Lok Bhavan
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RAJ BHAVAN SAMVAD ( April – September 2024)
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RAJ BHAVAN SAMVAD ( January – March 2024)
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Patna University Act, 1976
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RTI Manual
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